Saying ‘Yes’ to God: Tough Choices

As we push towards a deep and genuine love for God this new year, it’s important to go beyond mere statements and promises and embrace the tough choices we have to make, that are aligned with His will. Loving God wholly involves saying YES!’ to Him, even when every part of our being wants to say “NO!”.

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Here are three practical methods, from a Christian perspective, to develop an effective and greater love for God, according to His will, through the challenging choices you make in your life:

1. Daily Surrender

You’ve probably heard this a million times before, but it’s true: You have to spend time with Him! Same way you would treat a beloved family member by building a connection with them and unmistakably KNOW their trusted voice. Begin with prayer and meditation, submitting your plans and desires to Him. Surrendering daily allows for a mindset of openness to His guidance and prepares you to align your decisions with His divine will. I do this by studying a chapter of the Bible daily, reading commentaries, analyzing the context of the chapter in relation to the book, connecting it to my present situations and what I’ve learned of God, and praying in-between all of that, to just surrender and talk to my heavenly Father and spill everything. He understands, listens and often responds in the most unexpected ways whether it’s a thought, an event, or the words of a person in my life. More on this in the other two methods below.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

2. Bible Study and Prayerful Reflection

Dive into the Word of God and spend time in prayerful reflection. Scripture provides guidance and wisdom for life’s decisions. Reflecting on God’s teachings helps in knowing His will, helping you in making choices that align with His plan for your life. Again, as mentioned above, this will help you KNOW His voice in the midst of the confusion of the world.

Reflecting on God's teachings helps in knowing His will and His plan for your life. Share on X

3. Service and Sacrifice

Show your love for God through acts of service and sacrificial giving. Believe it or not even when you’re in a state of depression, its not easy to make the tough decision to occasionally step out and be of service to someone other than yourself. But it’s got it’s healing properties! Helping others gives you a mental break from overthinking your circumstances. I’ve personally discovered in my life that in most cases God provides new solutions through the act of service in overcoming my issues. Engage in volunteering, support those less fortunate than you (especially those in your life. I’m sure you can think of three people that need the support, but that you’re used to ignoring), and of course practice kindness and compassion. Sacrificing your time, resources, or comfort for others reflects God’s love and selflessness, leading you to align your choices with His teachings. Consecration.

Sacrificing your time, resources, or comfort for others truly reflects God's love and selflessness Share on X

Making tough choices in favor of our love for God is a continual journey. Each decision becomes an opportunity to express our commitment to Him, even amidst internal struggles.

As Christians, embracing scary/critical decisions demonstrates our genuine devotion and readiness to put God’s will above our own desires. It’s through these challenging moments that our love for God is truly proven.

What strategies do you use in making tough choices that align with your love for God? Share your insights in the comments below and join the conversation!

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